ICOMOS Finland
ICOMOS Finland, part of ICOMOS International and its global network, is a network of cultural heritage experts that promotes preservation, research and restoration of historic buildings and sites. It aims to create partnerships with authorities and those who work in the heritage field, both nationally and internationally. The work of ICOMOS Finland is focused on developing the values, principles and practices related to the conservation of the nation’s cul-tural heritage, making it accessible to the public.
The committee was established in 1967 by three founding members, and became an independent registered associa-tion in 1988. It now has 190 members, including archaeol-ogists, architects, engineers, town planners, conservators, researchers, teachers and art historians. It holds an open meeting and elects a chairman and a board of eight mem-bers for the administration once a year.
As well as organising seminars and field trips, ICOMOS Finland publishes a newsletter, produces publications and hosts a web page. It is a member of the council of scien-tific associations and its activities are subsidised by the Ministry of Education. The members of ICOMOS Finland play an active role in the international network, engaging in analysis and restora-tion of structures of architectural heritage, archaeological heritage management, cultural tourism, historic towns and villages and cultural landscapes, as well as in legal, financial and administrative issues, risk preparedness, theory and philosophy of conservation and restoration, training, un-derwater cultural heritage and vernacular architecture.